Webster Primary School

  1. About Us
  2. SEND & Rainbow Rooms

SEND, Rainbow Rooms & Pastoral Team

 The team are:

Miss L. Reburn Mrs H. Mills  Mr N. Proudlock Mrs C. Wingfield Ms S. Rauf Juliette Miller 


Teacher in Charge of Resource Provision 

Family Support Worker

Safeguarding & Welfare Officer

Behaviour Mentor


Play Therapist and Pastoral Mentor

Mrs J Wordsworth

Mrs A. Hamid

Mrs N. Duxbury

Mr S. Lipnitski

SEND Provision Teacher

SEND Teaching Assistant

Rainbow Rooms Teaching Assistant

Rainbow Rooms Teaching Assistant



Our SENDCo is Miss L Reburn. She can be contacted through the school office on 01612263928 or by email l.reburn@webster.manchester.sch.uk


How can our school support your child? 

SEND Information Report 2023- Click here for more information.

Manchester's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer Drop ins, click here.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities - Information for Parents and Carers (English) Click here.


Parent/Carer Post Diagnostic Groups

  • A series of 4 (free) workshops through out the school year  for parents/carers of children / young people who have received an autism diagnosis from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT)
  • They currently take place 10 am – 2 pm at the Millennium Powerhouse, Moss Side. 
  • Sessions focus: - Sensory Workshop Delivered by Occupational Therapists
    - Communication Workshop Delivered by Speech and Language Therapists.
    - Understanding and Working with the Education System Delivered by Educational Psychologists with representatives from SENDIASS and Manchester Parent Carer Forum.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -Autism and Wellbeing Delivered by Clinical Psychologists / Mental health practitioners.  
  • https://manchesterparentcarerforum.org.uk/- to sign up. 
  • Remaining Dates for 23/24: April 17 / 18 / 24 / 25


How we can support you and your child at Webster: 

Kickstarter Newsletter- February 2024:

The Rainbow Rooms supporting pupils

with ASD and SLI

Webster Primary School has been commissioned by Manchester Local Authority to have a specialist resourced provision for seven children who have a diagnosis of ASD, known as the Rainbow Rooms. We are proud to include pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Specific Language Impairment in our Resource Provision.  The Rainbow Rooms opened in September 2011 and is part of our whole school community.

Although the school is responsible for the teaching and learning of these seven children, it does not control the admission of places to the provision. Applying for a place at Webster Primary School through Manchester City Council Admissions team does not enable your child to access the Resource Provision. Children can only attend the Rainbow Rooms and be supported by specialist staff if they have an Education, Health, and Care Plan and a Resource Provision placement is deemed appropriate for your child through the SEND team at Manchester City Council, not directly to the school. These decisions are made by the Local Authority which has a multi-agency panel who meet to agree placements in the resourced mainstream provisions in Manchester.

Once allocated a place in the Resourced Provision, children become full members of the school. Children who are placed within the Rainbow Rooms need to be able to access their mainstream classroom independently for around half of their weekly timetable, completing their learning without any additional adult support. For the other half of the week, children are supported in small groups by a specialist teacher and two teaching assistants, who support the staff in school and pupils in the Resourced Provision when they access their mainstream classroom.

Speech and Language tips: