Webster Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. English
  3. Reading

Reading at Webster

'Leaders prioritise the teaching of reading and take action to strengthen the teaching of reading'.  OFSTED 2019

How do we teach reading at Webster?


In EYFS and KS1 children are encouraged to acquire a love of books. Books are used to stimulate children's imaginations. We introduce children to the conventions of books, reading from left to right, turning pages, identifying authors, illustrators, contents, pages etc. Whilst following the Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds programme for phonics, children also build a sight vocabulary through use of our phonetically matched reading books. We place high importance on teaching children how to decode through daily phonics lessons (including in KS2 where required). Alongside this, we ensure that there is great focus placed upon the wider aspects of word reading and comprehension of the text.


In EYFS and Year 1, each child takes home a reading book that matches their phonetic ability on a daily basis with a reading record. In Year 2 children are assessed using Star Reader and are then given a coloured book band which corresponds to a reading zone (ZPD) within Accelerated Reader.  Children then read books from their coloured band, after which, they complete a quiz on the iPad or laptop. All of the children share their books with an adult in school on a regular basis. When reading with a child, adults ask questions relevant to the interest of the child and encourage predictions. Children are encouraged to decode unknown words using appropriate strategies.

Guided reading develops further in Year 1 and 2, where children are grouped according to ability; each group has at least one guided reading session per week with either the teacher or teaching assistant. Teachers regularly read a story/class text to encourage our children's love of literature.

Reading comprehension activities are planned for weekly within the English lesson and/or Guided Reading sessions.

All children have access to Reading Eggs, an additional online resource which can support children with their reading at home. Teachers set tasks which children can then complete at home. It is a highly motivational programme that encourages an early and continued focus on phonemic awareness and phonics as well as encouraging recall of high-frequency sight words, repetition of activities, vocabulary activities, comprehensions that build understanding and re-reading of texts to build fluency. 


In KS2 children are assessed using Accelerated Reader Star Reader assessments and are then given a coloured book band which corresponds to a reading zone (ZPD) within Accelerated Reader. Children then read books from their band, after which, they complete a quiz on the iPad or laptop.  The children are all given a half termly target to meet and our school target is to complete all quizzes with an 85% pass mark.  Accelerated Reader has promoted a love for reading whilst challenging the children to read more and be responsible for their progress. 

A full and broad range of texts are available to all children which are continually being updated and added to. Children take home a reading scheme book daily with a reading record. Teachers or teaching assistants in KS2 listen to children individually at least once a week with high priority children being heard more frequently. Guided reading continues as in KS1. Teachers also read to their classes regularly to encourage enjoyment of a text.

Reading enrichment activities are a high priority and enjoyed by the whole school such as World Book Day, author visits etc. Reading is encouraged throughout school holidays by reading challenges and rewards.


As children progress, they are taught to widen their use of books for reading for information, developing the skills of looking up/locating information, skimming, scanning, note taking and use of ICT through interactive texts and research.

Reading comprehension is taught on a weekly basis, including cross curricular links in topic and science lessons. Reading for comprehension involves locating and retrieving information from the text; inference and deduction; commenting upon the structure and organisational features of a text; author's use/ choice of language; commenting upon author's intent and view points; identifying themes and conventions; summarising main events and providing reasoned judgments about texts read.

Guided reading sessions allow children to further develop their reading skills. Sessions take place at least 3 times a week and children are grouped according to ability; each group has at least one guided reading session per week that is led by either the teacher or teaching assistant.

To develop all pupils as readers we:

  • teach them to read accurately and fluently using a range of strategies
  • help them to understand and respond to what they read using inference and deduction where appropriate
  • encourage them to read a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books, including media and ICT texts and texts from a variety of cultures and traditions
  • encourage them to read independently and with enjoyment
  • teach them how to seek information and learn from the written word
  • provide a range of reading experiences (including individual reading, paired reading, shared reading, guided reading, class stories and poetry, use of the school and class libraries)
  • will involve parents/carers as much as possible
  • provide stimulating texts which are age and ability related with appropriate graduated vocabulary
  • encourage independence through the development of a variety of skills
  • celebrate books through themed days and events

All classes have access to our school library which has a range of fiction and non-fiction texts matching topics of the curriculum as well as the children’s interests. There are also a wide range of diverse and inspirational texts designed to engage all children within our school community.

Reading Eggs:

All children have access to Reading Eggs, an additional online resource which can support children with their reading at home. Teachers set tasks which children can then complete at home. It is a highly motivational programme that encourages an early and continued focus on phonemic awareness and phonics as well as encouraging recall of high-frequency sight words, repetition of activities, vocabulary activities, comprehensions that build understanding and re-reading of texts to build fluency.

Your child has a Reading Eggs/ Reading Eggspress login: https://readingeggs.co.uk/